
life is simple; just add water



9 Years
12-06-2016, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2016, 12:20 PM by Storm.)
Herb Hunting: Ginseng Root & Horsetail

Her ears remained pointed forward intent on listening if Zuri did speak again. That was a strong trait Storm had and it of course was a vary strong sense that helped to make up for the lack of sight. It wasn't long before Zuri spoke, her words a little surprising yet Storm could understand why she stated such words. Being a loner herself after leaving her family clan and never being a part of a pack up until now Storm didn't realize that anyone could think that a pack wouldn't allow freedom such as this. Bass had never told her differently and besides how would she ever get other herbs then what the pack territory had? Zuri must also be a loner that had never experienced pack life, something that would give them much to talk about.

"Yes the pack is called Abaven and it lays claim to three territories not far from here. As long as I do not intrude on another pack's lands I am free to travel outside of the pack territory to gather herbs. I assume most packs are like this, although I have to admit this is the first pack I have been apart of in my 5 years of life," she replied with a smile and wag of her tail.

Dipping her head back down her nose twitched as she moved around the vegetation. She had to move along for a few minutes before she found another plant and plucked it from the ground. She turned and put it into her pile. Gently pushing her nose into the pile she picked through the individual plants and carefully counted how many she had picked. Zuri spoke up again and Storm nodded before starting to count. 1.. 2.. 3... 4.. 5.. That's plenty for this plant.

Lifting her head the female's ears fallowed the sounds of Zuri mingling through the vegetation by the water's edge. Storm moved down to where Zuri was and began to look for Horsetail also. Since she had help she planned to split the piles with Zuri so that she herself could have some of both on hand if she needed it. Storm's ears turned to Zuri as she spoke again and a smile crossed her black lips. Zuri had also learned from her own mother which brought up memories of Storm's mother teaching her. It had been a vary bumpy road once she had lost her sight because her mother had to figure out how to help her learn and memorize the plants without being able to see different color and shape.

"Ah yes there will always be plenty to learn in this line of skill because mother nature is always advancing with new plants and new ways for us to heal. You could spend your entire lifetime and still have much more to learn," she agreed with a smile.

Her question then made Storm pause from what she was doing, turning the tables to her. Tail wagging the healer was glad to talk of her family.

"Mainly my mother, but since the family clan lived and traveled together I was also able to learn from my aunts, older cousins, and my grandmother. The women in my family all took on the skill as their specialty and it has been passed down through many generations that has dated back to when healing wasn't common," she started. "It took quite a bit longer then the rest did to learn, mostly because I wasn't always blind. They way I was able to learn was the feeling of each plant, the shape, and of course the smell."

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times