
The way we do



8 Years

Trick 2019
12-06-2016, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2016, 02:30 PM by Tealah.)
Moving the pack to this area had been an instant relief to the thin-coated young Ancora. He was, he decided, meant to be an Auster wolf. He still didn't know what to think about Dragon being the alpha, though. He figured he'd reserve judgement, though. After all, he wasn't any older or more experienced than Dragon was despite the rank he now held. He didn't know how Dragon would take to running a pack, for all he knew the leadership role would push his feckless brother into being a great alpha.

Either way, that wasn't the issue on his mind at the moment. He had a whole continent full of new prey animals to learn about hunting. He hadn't expected to become a full hunter so soon and though he was pleased that his mother had believed him worthy of the rank he was worried he wasn't trained enough to warrant it. Quite frankly, needing to learn it fast enough to provide for the pack was stressful, though Gryphon was making an effort to rise to the occasion.

Right now he was crouched in the high grass of their new home, observing the movements of a herd of blackbuck does grazing the still-lush grass nearby him. He'd been there long enough that they had relaxed, though every time he moved their heads would shoot up again so he refrained from shifting his weight despite the fact that his left paw had gone numb some time ago. That was all right - he wasn't really here to hunt right now so much as he was just observing and learning more about them. They were fairly small, but he wouldn't want to tackle one of them by himself, not if they were anything like the deer up north. Plus they looked wicked fast. He thought a two-wolf ambush might work for them, and wondered if Esarosa was up to a hunt. Well, maybe not. She had her work cut out for her with her and Steel's litter running around in a new set of lands. Well, he'd figure something out.