
life is simple; just add water



2 Years
12-06-2016, 05:38 PM
Zuri Brass

Abaven. It sounded quite interesting to the fawn lady. To lay claim to three territories, it must be a rather large pack indeed. Plus, the freedom Storm had was amazing; it was as if she was a loner welcomed to come and go as she pleased. That was something Zuri highly appreciated. "Abaven sounds like a wonderful place, Storm. I'm happy for you." She said this with a tilt of her head and a wide smile on her face, meaning every word.

It was only when the grey woman was close did her blue orbs notice her presence. She looked over to where she had been picking the ginseng root, and saw the decent size pile she had formed. She was not only talented, but also quick. Zuri smiled softly to herself before she got back to work, slowly digging around the plants. She listened quietly to Storm's story, and was baffled by what she heard. An entire clan full of female healers? It sounded a little discriminating, but it also sounded like it could offer a lot of knowledge. Which she was almost certain Storm had. "Wow, it sounds like you had a lot of mentors to learn from, you must be very wise."

Upon hearing that the female wasn't always blind, Zuri let her jaw go slack. How cruel that must've been, to be able to see all the beauties in this world only to have it taken from you? But she was able to gain a skill not many others knew because of it, which made the tan woman pause and think. "So that's how you do it? Touch and smell? That's absolutely brilliant!" She turned to the horsetail laying before her, trying to imagine applying this skill. She shook her head with a small giggle, "you're quite talented Storm, I couldn't do what you do. I suppose, in a way, your blindness has made you more unique and valuable as a healer. I think I should like to learn this skill myself, perhaps one day it will come in handy. You should teach it, in your pack I mean."

After that she turned back to picking the horsetail, digging at the moist ground and pulling the plant up with it's roots. After a few minutes, she would look to the grey lady beside her looked at the overall collection they had. Zuri knew they couldn't pick it all, the plants needed survivors so they could replenish themselves for next season. She let her haunches fold beneath her, as she sat in the grass. "How much more would you like Storm? I don't know how much a pack requires, but we shouldn't pick it all. Let some grow and reseed for next season."

We must take adventures,

In order to know where we truly belong.