



6 Years

12-06-2016, 08:07 PM

Panic started to make her breath in quicker intervals, every puff of air fogging before her. She knew that she needed to work on calming down, but it was nearly impossible. What if she died down here? How would she explain that to Xeph? Well she would be dead so she wouldn't have too... Swallowing firmly, she tried to focus on other things, closing her eyes and letting out barks that slowly got weaker and weaker over time. She staid curled up against the rock, focusing on taking deep breaths in and out. After awhile, she heard what sounded like crunching snow above her. Her ears flickered, trying to focus on the sound when a muffled voice reached her. It almost sounded like she was under water, the voices sounding off to her. But she felt an rush of relieve as he said that he was going to dig, and to keep herself back. There was something familiar about his voice, but it was hard to tell through the layers of snow and ice between them. She nodded, even though she knew that he couldn't hear her. Jaelle was almost afraid to speak, hunkering down further until she was pressed as far back against the stone as she could. Before long she could hear the scraping of claws against the surface. Ever so slowly more light filtered into her little bubble, looking blue from all the way down here. She shook where she was resting, her bells letting out faint cries. Jaelle didn't think that there had been a time when she had ever been this fearful.

She was unable to tell just how far down she was, but she tried to force down the rising panic in her chest. The male voice had said we, and yet she hadn't heard a second one. Was it just a turn of phrase, or was there a whole group of wolves out there to save her? Well, that would make her feel rather special. All this effort for little ol' her, someone that they didn't even know. It was a thought that brought a little comfort to her, her quivering head resting on her paws. Watching the slowly growing light, Jae thought about what she would do when she got out. Probably hug whoever saved her, that was for sure. Maybe she would just go home and rest, her heart pitter pattering against her ribs with some force. It was exhausting, really, all this fear and stress. A nice nap sounded really good about now, in a nice dry den too. Her fur was nearly soaked through by now, the heat she was letting out was melting bits of snow into her coat until it nearly clung to her skin. Getting dry should be the first thing on her agenda, she did not want to get sick at a time like this. She had to help out more in Vyper and....

Oh shit.

Vyper! Was the pack okay? The col was rather close to the shore, would the snows have reached it? All at once she started to stress out again, letting out a series of sharp whines. Her paws worked at the frozen snow below her, eyes squeezing shut tightly again. It was getting harder and harder to draw in a deep breath, her lungs feeling constricted and her throat tight. She had to get out, she had to make sure they were okay. Xephyris, the girls... and what about everyone else? Armai, Brutus, Soleil, there were only a pawful of wolves in Soul Sand Cove but they were someone that she should care for. Whining again, her teeth grit together as she covered her face with her legs. Please get out soon, please oh please.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.