
Frost's plots

Sora I


3 Years
12-06-2016, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2016, 05:14 PM by Sora I.)
Kreft|5 years|Talis|single: He's in Talis for the mean time while he waits for Ganta to form Dragoste. He's looking for some form of stability and someone to keep him company, and I would someday love to have pups with him I would just force him to but he only does stuff with consent.

looking for: Pups/romance, Enemies to fill a Sin sized hole, spars, maybe a friend who he can talk to about his problems in becoming old.

not looking for: -shrugs-

Safir|4 years|loner|single: She's a bit shy but she's coming out of her shell more recently, she really likes to help other wolves so she wants to learn how to heal them but she only knows what cannabis is and that's it xD (thank Poser for that)

looking for:Friends, Romance, Healer lessons.

not looking for: Enemies

Salias|2 years|loner|single: He's in essence a gentleman since he was raised to be a king. He has a vendetta against his dead beat father who left him with only his mother. He is very gullible and will believe a lot of what is told to him, i would think it would be interesting as a plot if he got involved with some bad wolves and believed they were in the right and got into some trouble through that. He's also quite the ladies man or at least he would like to think he is, maybe he could woo a couple of girls because he is a ways away from thinking about settling down.

looking for:love interests, possible involvement with bad wolves, one-night stands, enemies

not looking for: packs, reasons to be responsible

Satoshi Walker|4 years|loner|single: He's my walker bud and he's quite what I'd say the gentleman. He's come back and he's looking for all types of family no matter how remotely related they are, along the way i would also love for him to learn more about the walkers and their history especially their mental disorders and about Zeref. He's also Bi but he's leaning towards guys so if you think you have a gay wolfy i'm sure he would love to meet him, he's looking to fill the hole in his heart that his brother left.

looking for: Romance, Family threads, guy friends

not looking for:Enemies cause he's bound to find some within his family

Sora Latchme|3 years|loner|single (base:The Runestones): She's a protective type, she wants to prevent anyone from having a terrible life especially a childhood like she did. She sub-consciously wants to make a safe haven for all wolves namely the emotionally broken ones, thinking I might start a pack with her but not sure. She currently has her companion Alisa the Fennec fox and an adopted son named Neptune who in essence go where she is based I call them her little band of outsiders.

looking for: Romance, wolves/whatever to join her little band of outsiders, giving/getting lessons about healing, maybe a little bit of fighting training so she can defend her people.

not looking for: Enemies (maybe a little bit of I don't like you but nothing worthy of fighting)
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green