
If death is your friend, let me be your lover


06-21-2013, 10:56 PM

This place was oddly sandy and murky to the girl. She had gotten so used to this kind of terrain though since of trying to find Valhalla. The large female and her bright vibrant blue mane looked about with some sort of direction. She sighed though, having no clue where she was going only made her more mad. Though she knew it wasn't her cousins fault she felt like she should blame him. Perhaps give him a smack when she got to Valhalla. That would make her feel so much better. The girl hadn't run into too much trouble. Just a female that had slightly irritated her and fascinated her all the same. Vahva was already strange as it was, without other pissing her off. She felt like talking in a whole other language in which she had learned from her mother. A foreign tongue that no wolf in ala would probably know. As she walked, she stepped by a carcass of a dear that had been caught within the sand. The girl stopped to study it for a moment. It looked like it hadn't been killed by a wolf, all that was left was some meat and a few bones, hardly would worth making a meal. Yet, Vavha was full the large female had eaten only a few moment ago with the birds she had been able to snatch up. A small feather was still on her muzzle, as the black and white girl swiped her paw against it to make it fall off. She shook herself and stretched, well she could only keep walking couldn't she? Vahva pulled her back paws out and felt her spine pop. For a wolf who was only two years old she was rather big, getting this from her father she was towering over her mothers height. Perhaps an average male's height. With black on top white on bottom and blazing red eyes. What made her stand out the most was the blue mane in a Mohawk fashioned hair style reaching to the middle of her shoulder blades sticking out at least a foot in length.

Vahva lifted up her nose when she scented someone else, this time it was another male though. Hopefully he wasn't as annoying as her cousin had been. He could point her in the right direction? No, Vahva wanted to get to her destination herself. She had decided that she would not bother to make others remember her if they didn't want to. She was discreet and did not care. Though she cared to have friends, if they were to accept her stubborn and thick attitude. The girl flicked her tail and looked around the snow reached her ankles here besides for the spots of sand in it. Winter was no joy, but luckily her thick coat saved her from the cold which was why the rogue life was alright for her until she went to her birth pack. Vahva finally gave a yawn until a shape appeared, was that the male she had scented? She barked a little greeting, hoping that he wasn't unfriendly, she really didn't want to fight, it was a waste of her time. She just wanted to get to Valhalla as soon as she could.
