
these wings are made to fly


06-21-2013, 11:03 PM

Do you realize this isn't a fairytale? I'm not the perfect man, and I'm not the man who's dreamt of you his whole life." Unspoken words, and yet, could he be blamed? Standing in her presence; unwilling to tell the whole truth. Though, there was also the thought that she knew him well enough to know that he had not dreamt of her, had not thought of a woman he would live eternity with. She had given him something new, something unexpected, and if she was oblivious to that, then he was almost certain he would prefer she remained to be that way. His love, was something he didn't want broken. "You shouldn't have been waiting for me...what have I done that's good for you?" All I've done is seduced you, broken you, and asked more of you. Where's the sacrifice in that? Where's my commitment? He didn't know how to truly explain things to her, to show things and to have a deeper connection with her. He never would know. Would he? Something he wished he could change, but alas, only time would change him or allow him to know the answer. A chuckle would pull free of his inky lips and he would shake his head at her, "You have no idea," Though, there was one way to be certain what he was getting into would be beneficial for everyone involved, "Would you, Miss Adravendi, care to be mine? Forever." there was no backing out if she dare decide he would be hers. Forever.