
Four Words To Choke Upon



6 Years

12-07-2016, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2017, 07:11 PM by Evelyn.)
*Navigation - S.S Antiox

She didn't quite know how to feel just yet, about all of this nonsense with Xephryis and his pack. Being stuck in one place certainly wasn't her style at all, so even though she promised to help out here she was slipping out again. It made Jaelle feel ill almost to pace along the beach, the black sand clinging to her paws. But since being stuck in the avalache she hadn't been overly eager to get out anyways. Except for today. She had laid in her den in Vyper lands, tossing and turning on it until she finally made her way up the slope. Skirting the col, she made her way instead to the odd cave that she had explored with the spotted woman. She hadn't gotten a good enough look at all the goodies inside, and her curiosity drove her paws down the familiar trail. Her bells sang softly on her tail and front legs as she trotted along, a smile spread across her inky lips. Now this is where she felt alive, when she was out and moving with the wind. Darn feelings and promises keeping her tied down, she should have known better. Shaking her head back and forth, the monochrome woman nuzzled her nose into her scarf as she picked through the snow, her paws crushing through the frozen top layer. The soft powder underneath stuck to her fur in clumps, but she didn't care much at the moment.

Reaching the metallic cave thing, she noticed that her scent wasn't the only around her. Tucking her tail slightly, Jaelle hesitated as she sniffed at the ground. From what she could tell he was younger than her, but still at a mature age. Mmm, interesting. She couldn't see him at the moment, and could only assume that he had gone in. Good, a buddy to explore with! Humming softly she strut up the ramp and into the belly of the strange contraption, turning towards her left where a big hulking male blocked the way. He most likely would have heard her, it wasn't like she had been hiding the jingling of her bells. The stranger looked a bit familiar, although she didn't care to place it at the moment. "Hello there very-big-wolf, would you mind moving over so I can accompany you on this trip today?" she said in a sing-song voice, her grin holding a hint of her mischievous nature. If he declined she would just have to wiggle passed him, now didn't she?

Jaelle's ears twitched when a shuffling came from behind them, and the woman turned around to gaze at the inside of a barrel. It appeared to be stuffed with furs and strips of leather, but when she stuck her nose in to sniff it she was met by a sharp bite from very sharp teeth. Withdrawing with a hiss, she could feel the blood pool to the surface of her flesh. About to stick her face back in to grab whatever bit her, an oddly long ball of white fluff tore out of the wooden barrel and began to run every which way. It jumped up and twisted, curling around the floor in what looked like a terrible dance. Transfixed on the oblong critter, she peeked at the stranger for a moment and rose her brow before looking back. What the hell was that thing and why was it dancing? The terrible thing had just bit here and now this? It was nearly all white, save for the black tip of its tail. Really it looked like a rat that had been stretched out, except with a furry tail. Did the male know what it was or what on earth it was doing?


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.