
Well have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon



7 Years
Athena I

12-07-2016, 01:23 AM

Gods she felt terrible. It just seemed like with every passing day she felt worse and worse. In a way it was almost a distraction from her own thoughts and worries. At least she had been fatigued enough the last couple of nights to get a decent amount of sleep. She wished she could get to the store of herbs that Kavdaya had kept in her family's dens. Her ears flicked at the thought. Would she even be able to stomach going in there again now that her mother was gone? She had been wondering about her father as well. Was anyone even checking on him in all of this? Her narrow shoulders felt so heavy with worry and she couldn't even begin to process it all.

She sighed as she slowly wandered through the estuary, moving from one piece of solid land to another. Another wolf's scent reached her nose and she froze for a moment before she darted behind a tree, hunkering down behind its trunk while her heart pounded from the sudden rush of adrenaline. Were there always this many wolves wandering around the estuary? She hadn't noticed this many when she was still living in Celestial. Perhaps she just hadn't been so hyper aware of them back then. She realized after a moment though that this was a scent she recognized. She blinked and peeked out around the tree, spotting the man she had helped with the horsetail before. Her shoulders relaxed a little bit, but she still couldn't quite shake the anxiety that lingered. She forced herself to step out from behind the tree, trying her best to not act ridiculous as she offered him a smile if he noticed her.

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