
Got me ten feet off the ground



7 Years
Athena I

12-07-2016, 02:15 AM

Faite didn't understand. How would she? Zuriel hadn't even gotten together the guts to tell her own sister what had happened. Of course they had other things to talk about first, but... How could she tell her? Her body trembled under the weight of her emotions while sobs rattled her. She wanted to be grateful for her sister as Faite nuzzled her cheek and tried to comfort her with her insistence that she had done the right thing in leaving for a time, but she was so, so wrong and Zuriel didn't know how to tell her that she was wrong. The one time in her life that she did something for herself she was knocked back down to the earth like a bird shot out of the sky.

Zuriel shook her head, still not bringing her gaze up to Faite's again. "N-No, I should have stayed! I should have been here for them! It I hadn't left then... Then..." She felt like she couldn't breathe as panic constricted around her lungs. "I-I don't know what I was thinking. I can't protect myself! Why would I leave when I can't protect myself! You and Reg- you two can fight. All I have is herbs! Herbs can't help me w-when..." Her words were just a jumbled rush at this point and she brought her gaze up to Faite's, desperately begging her to understand. "He... Faite, he... Oh what if I'm..." Her breathing grew more and more staggered and strained as her anxiety snowballed into a panic attack and cut off her words completely. The incident itself was enough to make her never want to step outside of her family's lands again. The idea that she might be pregnant on top of it... Her body curled in on itself and she crouched so she could press her head into Faite's chest just to have something that felt semi-solid to hold on to. Everything around her felt like it was spinning and she couldn't make it stop.

"Talk" "You" Think