
Crawling in my Skin



6 Years
12-07-2016, 02:21 AM

"Oh... Literally what the cat drug in..."

An ear flicked back nervously as a rumbling warning growl left her friend. She nudged her softly to try and get Nox to back off some. She wasn't entirely keen on a fight breaking out at the moment and Zola felt like a wild card at the moment. If things got too tense would she want to fight or would they get away from this without any trouble? She'd hoped to never have to run into any of them ever again and yet here she was to make her life miserable all over again. She couldn't see the poisonous look Nox shot at her, but she felt the cat settle down some at least.

Zola's teasing tone brought her back to reality once again. Her focus shifted from Nox back to her half-sibling and she frowned. Kept me alive. She hated hearing it, and yet there was no way she could deny it either. Her ears pinned back against her head nervously as she thought about it. Ever since she was born she'd been practically useless. Learning how to heal was about the only good thing she'd ever accomplished. She could barely hunt for herself, couldn't walk around without Nox's help, she'd had to rely on pack mates to help feed her. Most of all she relied on Nox for pretty much anything that involved eyesight. Hearing it now from Zola was almost like a smack to the face. She didn't need to be reminded of this - especially after she'd spent so long trying to convince herself that she mattered - that she was able to contribute and be helpful in the pack she now resided in.

"He was nothing but an asshole and I hated his guts, but if everything was so perfect then why did you and Lian leave?"

Now that really was a good question. Obviously Lel wasn't here with her now and Armai could do nothing but hope he was dead or far far away. Dead was certainly the preferable option. It meant he'd no longer be able to come back and haunt her like Zola was doing. She cringed slightly at Zola's next words. Calder had been the one to help her away from the ship to escape him. He'd been the only constant in her life that she'd cared about and even he was gone too. An ear flicked upwards and then back down as she mentioned that Lian and her were Lel's only real children. Whether he'd cared that Armai and Calder had left, well she hadn't stuck around to find out. No words could come to mind at how to respond. She hadn't wanted to be his child to begin with, but Zola's presence made her anxious. Mostly all she wanted to do was leave now.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.