
Can't Cover Up What You've Done



4 Years
12-07-2016, 02:37 AM

Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one.

With careful eyes he watched as she eyed the slope and then him, nearly seeing the gears turn in her head. Oh no, he really was quite alright. He wasn't so keen on getting to the top anyways, even if he felt the need to explore. Exhaling slowly, he pushed away the uncomfortable tightness in his chest and shook his head slowly when she said that she would come to him. There was no time to argue with her as she made her way over, making the spotted man sigh. Well, as long as she was okay with this. Staying where he was, he simply turned to watcher her descent down. It was obviously a narrow ledge she had to walk across, making his heartbeat pick up in his chest. While he outwardly showed no signs of worrying over the woman, his lips were drawn down in a tight frown. If she slipped and fell to her death just to come help him... he would never forgive himself for that. He would be holding his breath if he could, but that meant he risked his asthma acting up. None of that, not this time. He wouldn't show these unknown wolves that he was weak, no matter what.

Before too long she was before him again, and it allowed Eniko to properly bow at the lady before him. He lifted his right front leg as he lowered his upper half, his nose nearly brushing the ground. Rising up again, he planted his paw firmly on the damp earth before a hint of a smile touched his lips. "Greetings, miss. You really didn't need to trouble yourself with all of this, but I thank you for that. I am Einko Vaska, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said in his prim and proper manner. She told him that they had two options, and he couldn't help but smile a bit wider at her words. Holding onto her tail on that rail-thin ledge? "And drag you to your death if I fall? I think not, I'd rather not end anyone's life," Eniko's half tail lifted to the side, as if showing her the shorter length. "Either that or I would snap your tail in two, there is no point marring that pretty gray appendage of yours. Having half the tail of others isn't as fun as it may seem." Even though his words were humorous in their context, there was hardly any emotion in his stoic voice. It was how he had been trained, showing feelings like that to an unknown wolf wasn't becoming of him. His father had told him that it would make him seem weak; open up opportunities for wolves to see his weak points. He was pretty sure that a woman who just risked her life to come and help him wouldn't do something like that, but it was too ingrained in his mind to change it.

So that left the other option, going down. He sighed softly, his breath slightly catching in his throat. All that effort and he had to go back down. Flicking his tail behind him, he turned his head slightly to eye the decline. It was awash in mud, small streams cutting through the earth until they reached the bottom. It was awfully slippery looking, yet another risk. Slowly his eyes gazed around them, searching for some place where they could get dry. Catching a cold wouldn't help his current state at all, and it was one more reason for Phantom to kill him. Turning back to the gray woman, he knew that she would have to lead the way here. He wasn't opposed to following others, it took a strong leader to see the value of others knowledge. "Unfortunatly I don't see much better things happening if we slid down the slope. You wouldn't have happened to see a burrow or den of some sort? Perhaps a badger hutch that we could expand? Until this rain let's up I doubt a safer option will open up."

Make no mistake, the day will come when you can't cover up what you've done.


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.