
Well have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon



7 Years
Athena I

12-07-2016, 03:35 AM

She smiled a little and her tail followed along and wagged gently behind her as well. "Same here, Qualm." At this point it was starting to feel like an act. The smiling, the tail wagging, the obligatory hellos and head nods. All the usual things that she had done before now when she interacted with other wolves. Now it just felt like a mask for her to hide behind. She knew she would calm down eventually, or at least she liked to believe she would, but she hadn't figured out how to do that just yet. She knew how to treat physical injuries of all shapes and sizes. What could she do about her shattered mental health?

Perhaps her facade wasn't as strong as she thought it was. Her ears flicked at his question and her smile faltered. She was going to have to figure out a way to either hide this better or finally get over it. She couldn't stand everyone worrying over her and asking if she was okay. She was supposed to be the one doing that. It was her job to help others, not to have others help her. "U-Um... I'm okay now. Or I will be." She tried to reassure him with a smile, but she couldn't tell if he would believe it or not.

"I just had a um... run in with someone that didn't go so well." That was probably putting it very lightly, but she didn't want to go and bring someone that she had only met twice now into her mess. "I'm just kind of... dealing with the aftermath now I guess." As if right on cue her stomach churned and her ears flicked as she tried to ignore it. The nausea caught up with her all at once though and her ears pinned back against her head. "I-I'm sorry," she managed to get out before she ducked behind the tree she had been hiding behind moments ago so that she could throw up without him seeing.

"Talk" "You" Think