
I'll be fine if you ever ask me

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-07-2016, 07:04 AM

It was like a demon was looming over him really. As the man stood outside of his old den he shared with Zephyra. Nose pressed against it with the remembrance of scents long gone with the seasons by now. Where had she gone? Who had stolen her from him? Those were the thoughts that went through his head honestly. Rivaxorus often felt his heart beating fast against his chest, stress and anxiety building up with the feeling he was alone. Almost like a prey that an animal was playing with rather than eating. Even so - Rivaxorus constantly felt like he was going to lose his lunch being alone like this.

He had to swallow his pride, he had to continue on and look for her. He just thought maybe the woods was the best first spot to start. The winter hadn't done much to the ever blooming tree's. Their tendrils weeping well over the ground - swaying with the icy wind that the afternoon was bringing in. The thick furred wolf wouldn't pay any mind to it. Today was one of the few days that the rains weren't here. Small patches of snow covered the ground here and there and Rivaxorus knew that right next door sat Leo's lands. Fiori's lands. Perhaps he should ask Leo if he had seen her - but then again he was also afraid of facing any family ever again not until he found Zephyra at least.

Rivaxorus let those thoughts soon fade. He would think about asking later - for now he wanted to rest withing the willows. The large male letting his paws carry him away from that spot. Carrying him away from the memories of his mother and his siblings. Things might not have been simple but back then they had been together. After trying so hard to keep them together he only realized how much he really sucked as the guardian older brother he had hoped to be. Sighing he held his head a bit lower, still with senses alert he'd continue to look.
