
Kringle Family



1 Year
12-07-2016, 10:28 AM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2016, 08:28 PM by Eridium.)
Name: Meep Kringle
Nickname: Meep
Height: 29 inches
Weight: 86
Build:Light build
Eye Color: Ocean blue-esque, #3399ff
Alignment: Neutral Good
Physical Description:
She is born in a coat of gossamer white, complimented with dark coal ears and paws. From her birth she is an angel blessed by the white of the snow and the ebon of the sky. Her tail and face are also painted with dark black, complimentary to her base pelt. Her eyes are a deep ocean blue. Meep is little and delicate, her frame small and her step light. She teeters between grace and fragility. As she ages her body will lengthen and she will become more adept with it. Her fur is long and smooth. Named for the sweet, childlike sound she first uttered; her voice has grown since then. She still speaks in a gentle, feminine voice, but it has grown with her.
Meep is sweet as a child. From a young age she is sensitive and intuitive to others; in particular having an affinity for her littermate’s feelings and her family. She is very loyal to her family and protective in particular of her siblings. She worries about Nyan and Squee, often shadowing them and watching them a little too closely. In her nature is woven a sense of self-worth and practicality. She is cautious in her approach and does the best for her survival; but also for the survival of those around her. She tackles obstacles in a down to earth way and has a calm demeanor. She is quiet and thoughtful, taking each moment one step at a time. Her actions can sometimes be methodical and tedious; but she believes it is wise to think before she does. She handles situations better when she has time to adjust to them. She will often plan ahead.

Although she seems put together on the outside, Meep suffers from her childhood. With Squee, she witnessed the murder of her parents. This trauma has never quite left her. She and Squee went in search of a better place. She tries to hide it from her siblings; but she suffers night terrors of the event and anxiety around strangers. Where she was once amiable, she is now closed off. Fear haunts her that her family will be taken away. She is fearful of strangers and struggles to keep this to herself. She hides her fear by acting stronger, by hovering over her siblings and speaking in a cool, firm voice. She does not trust easily, and when she does, should it be broken, so would she. She is held together with her determined will and drive to take care of her family.
Roleplay Sample:
Dark paws stepped over white snow. Behind her trailed Squee and Nyan, to whom she called, “We should rest soon.” Her ears were pricked and she listened to hear the soft footfalls behind her. Once in awhile she looked back and offered a smile. She knew not  how they felt about this; but she was sure. Squee had wanted to come with her. She knew not where they went; but somewhere… Safer. She found her paws kept walking, however. She longed to stop, to settle, and yet on she continued. Nowhere felt  right yet. Her stomach growled and her body was growing weary. Her blue eyes scanned the snow for signs of a hare or winter bird, but nothing lay in sight. It would be a long night.

She found her gaze drawn to a spot of colour ahead - a forest of evergreens; strong trees that green survived the winter. A small, sincere smile began to touch her lips and she quickened her step. Forest. That meant food, shelter, water. “Come on!” she called to them. “Let’s go here.” Her tail wagged softly behind her and she sprung forward; eager to end their tiresome journey. Even if only for a night.