
Got me ten feet off the ground



7 Years
Athena I

12-07-2016, 12:11 PM

A sigh of relief passed her lips once Faite had agreed to not go after him for now. She didn't want her to go after him ever, but for now was a good start. She just kept thinking about those scars that covered Elias from bears and mountain lions and who knew what else. The idea of her sister trying to chase him down just terrified her. She knew she probably wouldn't be able to stop Regulus from it when he found out eventually, but for now she could keep her family safe from him. She refused to consider the fact that Elias may come looking for her at some point. If she even humored that thought for a moment she would never get any sleep.

Hearing the word "pregnant" come out of Faite's mouth made her flinch slightly, like someone had come up to her and hit her nose. Something about hearing the word out loud just made it seem so much worse. It was like getting a bad wound and then seeing it in daylight for the first time. It forced her to actually consider the possibility and she didn't have it in her to do it. She had always thought that she'd eventually run into someone that might like her enough to deal with all of her late night herb hunts and constant gathering and sorting and might be able to look past her need to have an herb store in her den, at least enough to put up with her and love her. She had always thought that she'd find someone to be with forever like her parents had been and they would have children together. Of course she had never really picked her head up out of her studies long enough to do any of that, but that had been how she had pictured her first litter in her head. Not as the product of a rape.

"Thank you," she replied softly after a few moments. She didn't really know exactly what she was thanking Faite for. She supposed just everything in general. Zuriel wasn't sure if she'd ever get the chance to really grieve for their mother, but for now all she could think about was dealing with her situation. She was so, so tired and she thought maybe she might be able to get some sleep if Faite was near by. Thinking about dens suddenly reminded her of Faite's new pups and Zuriel's eyes went back up to Faite's, asking, "Can... can I see your pups? Just for a second, then I'm going to try and rest for a little bit." She pulled a little smile onto her lips, but it was hard to do. If there was one thing she could comfort herself with it was that if she was pregnant her children would be able to grow up with Faite's.

"Talk" "You" Think