
Well have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon



7 Years
Athena I

12-07-2016, 12:35 PM

She sighed and shook her head as the wave of nausea finally subsided for the time being. For a moment she just remained behind this tree, too ashamed to come out and face Qualm. When he started speaking through, saying how he wanted to help her and be her friend, she looked around the trunk at him with a little bit of confusion. It was hard for her to imagine anyone wanting to be her friend when she was in this mess of a state. She smiled a little at him, the smile coming a bit easier than before. He wasn't significantly younger than her, maybe a year or two if that, as far as she could tell, but she could see that sweet, young innocence in his insistence that he could get her whatever she needed.

"Something to drink sounds good," she replied with a small nod. She had to stay hydrated after all with how sick she had been. She padded out from behind the tree and walked toward him so they could talk together. She still kept a little bit of space between them as they walked just for her own comfort, but she was glad that she at least had him there as a distraction for the time being. "I wish I had something I could ask you for," she added a few moments later as they moved through the estuary toward a source of clean water. "I'm afraid there's not a whole lot to be done about being pregnant though." She didn't look to see his reaction when she spoke and her words held no real emotion to them. She stated it as a hard fact, her ears flicking back for a moment as her only real reaction to her own statement. She wasn't sure if he had gathered that already from watching her, but she figured she might as well address the elephant in the room all the same. She knew he was a healer as well, but she didn't know how experienced he was with looking for signs of pregnancy. "And please don't congratulate me. I haven't figured out how to be happy about it yet."

"Talk" "You" Think