



6 Years

12-07-2016, 06:56 PM

Jaelle's ears twitched at the males barks, they registered but didn't quite reach her. She was so focused on keeping herself calm and getting out alive that she spared no energy for anything else. Her fur was soaked, shivers wracking her frame as she waited. It felt like years before the blue light turned to white, her eyes peeling open when the sunlight danced across her features. Soon enough her rescuer blocked it out, saying that they needed to get out of here. She didn't move until he commanded that she run, her name off of his lips seeming to snap her into attention. So she was right about knowing him. There was little time to focus on that though, the sound of the shifting snow vibrating in her head. She knew the sound too well, and it drove enough fear through her that she froze for a moment before springing into action. Looking like a drowned rat, she sprung up and jumped behind the larger male, her bells rattling in a muffled way. There was snow packed in them, hiding most of the sound they they usually made. Quaking, she leaned back as she ran up the slope, not even looking back until she was on top of the snow bank.

Even though it only took a little effort for her to pull herself up here, it was enough to tire out her stressed body. Her legs quivered as she sunk slightly into the hard packed snow, glancing over to see if the stranger had made it out alright as well. But it all clicked into place, this wasn't a wolf she didn't know. She had met him ever so briefly at the first Vyper meeting, but it hadn't been much. "B-br-brutus, r-right?" she stuttered, her teeth chattering. Falling to her rump, she looked around them. Jae had heard him say we, but she only saw him standing there. Confusion swept across her features, a single brow rising as she eyed the chocolate man. Who else had been here with him? She was too exhausted to ask though, shivering where she sat. "Is V-v-vyper o-okay?" the monochrome woman asked, trying to push away her own woes to focus on them instead. She couldn't be so selfish anymore, not now that she had promised to help out Xephyris.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.