
Well have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon



7 Years
Athena I

12-07-2016, 07:22 PM

She lapped up some of the water gratefully, letting it wash away the bad taste that was lingering in her mouth. Zuriel sighed softly and lifted her just before Qualm began to speak. She looked toward him and gave him her full attention. He had given her so much of his kindness already that it was the least she could do. She wasn't entirely surprised when he offered any help he could possibly give again, but she was still grateful for it. Yes, she had Faite looking out for her now, but Faite had her own children to take care of now. She hadn't told the rest of her family about it yet, but she knew they would immediately jump to her rescue if given the chance. Seeing an almost complete stranger offer himself for any help she might need was even more touching.

What he said about loving and taking care of these kids like they were her's despite the circumstances caught her off guard. In all of this she hadn't thought once about the pups themselves or how she might raise them. "Try not to think of how they came to be, but try to think of the lives they can have with you as their mother - and the wolves around them that will be their family." A mother... Her ears flicked back against her head at the idea, feeling an overwhelming emotion come over her. She knew he was right, for better or worse she was going to have these pups now. These were her children... no matter how they came about. Suddenly she became so much more aware of the lives inside of her. It took a whole new perspective to make her realize that this was no longer just about her.

She blinked and her gaze focused back in on his face as he told her that it was his duty to take care of her as a healer. A smile pulled at her lips and tears pooled in her eyes. These weren't the desperate, crushing, sobbing tears that had been shaking her the last several days. These were just overwhelmed with emotion tears. "I... I hadn't thought about..." She chuckled softly at herself, letting her eyes drift down to her forepaws. Even when she had gone to see Faite's children it hadn't struck her that one day she would be in a den similar to hers with pups around her that would have no idea about how they came to be there. She hesitated for a moment before she looked back up to Qualm with another smile, taking a step toward him so that she could press her nose gently to his shoulder. "Thank you, Qualm. You helped me more than you know."

"Talk" "You" Think