
I love the fog


06-22-2013, 12:30 AM

This was just amazingly entertaining to him. She was so much smaller, there was absolutely no way she would be able to kill him. Or even severely injure him. The bite to his chest would heal within a week or so and it would just be another scar to add the many that he was beginning to accumulate. He on the other side, could seriously kill her with just a simple bite to the neck, kind of like he had her right now, but ending it right away was never fun. His fangs never breached the farther down her nape, careful to avoid the veins that run through there. He didn't want to kill her instantaneously. He wanted her to suffer. To go crawl somewhere and slowly die. Low chuckles rumbled in his now bleeding chest, which was now free of her teeth since she had let go, trying to keep herself from crying out at the pain of his grasp. He tightened his hold, knowing that she wouldn't be able to keep herself from at least squirming. She continued to flail, useless scratching at her. She only succeeded in giving him more cuts than anything, but not in getting him to loosen his hold on her. She wasn't going anywhere that fast.

She wasn't doing herself any good with all this flailing, simply tearing at the ready bad wound, making it that much worse. The nearly useless female tried to reach up towards his throat, but before her jaws could find any purchase he tossed her aside like a chew toy, watching as her small body thudded heavily against the earth, her blood decorating the dirt. Pale, crimson stained lips pulled back to reveal blood-soaked daggers, a pleased growl rumbling in his bleeding chest as he watched her, waiting to see if she would get up or if his fun here was done.

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