
The Good Left Undone



4 Years
12-07-2016, 08:14 PM

Ganta frowned a bit as she told him not to be so gullible. Well who poked fun at someone like that, really? At her next response though he couldn’t help but feel flustered all over again, adverting his gaze once more before he answered her. “I guess I’m not exactly looking for dates with pretty ladies just yet.” He shifted a little, feeling a tad awkward. It wasn’t that he thought the woman before him wasn’t pretty, it just hadn’t crossed his mind to do such a thing. He was still fairly young after all… and perhaps a bit on the oblivious side of things.

He decided not to answer her about the pack, at least for now. She sounded irritable about it… though at lease she gave him her name. Jaelle. It sounded pretty… a fitting name for her, Ganta thought. He was going to continue with cleaning her face when she suddenly pulled back, startling the young man. He looked upon her with surprise, arching a brow, but he decided not to question that either.

“Sure… we can do that.” His ears perked back up curiously, paws carrying him after the female. Sure he had noticed her scent, but it wasn’t something that drove him completely crazy like it did for some males.  “Sorry if my mentioning about making a pack upset you by the way. For me… It’s more a personal thing. I feel drawn to it, but that doesn’t mean I’d force anyone into a pack if they didn’t want to be.” Ganta’s gaze trailed away from her again.

“Though I do have to wonder if you’re not so keen on them why you’d be in your friends pack… Is it the freedom that makes you feel better about it?”

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