
Cure of a no heart


06-22-2013, 01:02 AM

Selfish, was he? Dragneel had tried to stop thinking about this since he found Seraphine, before even thinking about serving her he had forgotten she had a mother. He feared rejection, he wished nothing more then to be told what to do and he had been itching to become attached to Seraphine all he could. Dragneel was worried, and didn't understand the feeling of doing so since he had never worried before not even about his own brother. Dragneel was nothing more than a machine driven male who took pleasure in being told what to do and pleasing others. A slave like relationship beyond that of wanting to be tortured, just to help as he was useless to himself as always. So sitting alone he had to think of a way to confront her mother. To tell her, he wished to serve and to be told what to do by her daughter. Seraphine's mother could do as she wished with him, Dragneel had no objections and was only in fear for death while pain was no stranger to him. His last master had constantly broken bones, and threw him into fights he should not have been in, but he gladly obliged because he hated having to make a choice for himself. Last time he did that, he had gotten a large scar that was now across his muzzle. A single scar indented into his skin.

Dragneel's red eyes looked out as his mind wandered, with so many what if's. This feeling made him very unsettled, maybe he should go hunting, maybe then the worried feeling would go away. Dragneel shivered and lowered his head, he wanted someone to tell him that everything would be alright. He also wanted someone to tell him to stop feeling this way. Would that even work? He hadn't known these stupid feelings to go away. As long as Seraphine and her mother liked him, he would have no reason to worry did he? Dragneel didn't know how things in Tortuga worked quiet yet, but he knew, that they were far smarter then the rogues he had been loyal to before leaving here with his brother.
