
Got me ten feet off the ground



6 Years

12-07-2016, 11:24 PM

Faite could practically feel the relief that Zuriel had when she promised she wouldn't go after Elias right now. Her ear flicked at her sigh and she was glad she could make her feel somewhat better, but it came at a cost. Faite's every instinct screamed at her to track him down and make him suffer for what she'd done. Despite the fact they were the same age and Zuriel was taller, Faite felt like the older sister that needed to defend the younger siblings. She just couldn't help herself. Zuriel was the calm one out of them all. She wouldn't hurt a fly and she pursued healing of all things. Not that Faite would have wanted this to happen to her either, but she would have much preferred herself to be in that situation. She at least had had more training in fighting then Zuriel had. She could have made an attempt to defend herself and then Zuriel would have to deal with any of it.

Zuriel flinched and Faite instantly regretted saying the word pregnant. It'd been an error on her part and she knew it was too late to take it back. She didn't want her sister to carry his pups - it'd be a horrible reminder that they weren't pups she'd originally intended to have. Would she be able to look on them, if she really had any, and not remember the horrible encounter? She frowned deeply and shoved the thought away. First thing was first - she was going to hope with all her heart that pups would come out of this and if it did turn out she was pregnant? Well they'd deal with that bridge when it came time to cross it.

She thanked her and her brows furrowed slightly in confusion. Faite felt as though she hadn't done much really to be thanked, but she nodded softly all the same. She was just acting with what came natural. She still really wanted to go after Elias, but she put that off. For now she needed to be here for Zuriel and her own kids and leaving wasn't exactly going to be helping matters at all. Her ears perked up when she was asked to see her children and a soft smile spread across her face at the welcome distraction.

"Yeah of course. You can sleep in the den with us too if you'd like." It was really the only thing she could offer, but at least if Zuriel stayed with her then she could keep an eye on her to make sure she was okay.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: Did you wanna keep this going or wrap it up here?
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