
It All Comes Back Full Circle



6 Years

12-08-2016, 12:31 AM

Things were so different now, but Faite felt like she was getting into a fairly nice routine. She'd stretch her legs when she needed to, but she never strayed out of the Estuary. Surprisingly enough, she trusted Zell. She didn't know him all that well, but then again having kids with someone tended to bring them closer together it seemed. At least it worked out in her case. She knew her routine would change again once the pups were old enough to come out of the den and she knew she couldn't hide them in the estuary forever. So far Zuriel had been the only one to see them and she knew it couldn't remain that way for long. The kids were growing quickly and she wasn't sure what she'd do once she'd have to start chasing them around.

At some point they needed to be back within the borders of a pack. She couldn't keep loners away from the estuary and she'd be a fool to try. So far she'd gotten lucky - there hadn't been anyone hostile to come by. She also knew that prey was scarce and if any predators decided they liked the idea of making her children a snack - well she didn't want to think about it. Then there was Zuriel to think about. She'd offered to let her stay with them for as long as she needed, but her situation made her nervous. If Elias was capable of doing something like that to her sister then who was to say someone worse would come along? She still wasn't exactly in the best fighting shape and she didn't want to leave it all up to Zell to defend them.

She also didn't want to make Zuriel uncomfortable either. She knew how hard it would be to tell Regulus what had happened and she could only picture their brother's reaction. He'd be out for blood and she couldn't see Regulus holding back like Faite was doing. She'd stay here for as long as Zuriel needed, but eventually (if she was pregnant) then something needed to happen. Faite certainly wasn't going to wait around forever to get retribution. She at least wanted to track Elias down to know what the hell he'd been thinking by forcing himself on her sister.

It was early morning when she exited the den. She was comforted by the fact that the kids eyes weren't open yet and they wouldn't be going anywhere. So far she'd made a good habit of waking up early and going on a walk and this morning was no exception. The sun was just peeking out of the trees and very few clouds marred the sky. It was still cold and the land still somewhat marshy despite the fact it had snowed quite a bit. She didn't mind the wetness for once since she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts. She wanted to try and clear it with some fresh air, but her mind kept fretting over everything.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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