
Once Again



7 Years

12-08-2016, 03:53 AM

At Lyre's words, he hummed softly. They had quite a few healers for the moment, but no one holding the rank of hunting. It had been him who had been watching the herds for the most part, tracking and following them to see if there was easy prey. With the seasons being so lackluster lately, it would be nice to have another set of eyes helping him out. "I've been pretty much taking charge of hunting for the time being, if you wouldn't mind holding the rank of hunter and helping me out? In Abaven the rank is called Cacciatore, which is Italian for hunter. Very original, I know," he said with a chuckle, his tail thumping slightly at his side. "We have three lands that we call our home, but the herd of deer that usually stick in winter have moved on and I haven't quite been able to track them down just yet," he had been too busy mourning his friend, but he left that part out. "It's a bit soon, but if you wouldn't mind setting out to look for a good herd to cut into I would really appreciate it. Of course you may get settled and such first, and I can give you a little tour of Abaven. There are plenty of places to pick out a den where you will be comfortable." Bass clamped his mouth shut then, feeling like he was rambling. He felt off his game, trying to act like everything was normal when his heart was still aching. But that was the task of a leader, one of the harder lessons that he had to learn a long time ago. It took both Mirabelle and Venus nudging him to leave Chrono alone after he died in the river, telling him that he needed to go with his pack. Even then he wanted to stay, knowing it was too late. Sometimes Bass did feel like he was rather hopeless. Offering the woman a soft smile, he sat in silence and let her speak. If she had any questions he would be more than willing to answer, but for now he handed her the baton. He would just keep on yammering on and on if he hadn't stopped.

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