
achy breaky heart



7 Years

12-08-2016, 04:24 AM

For once in the past week or so, Bass hadn't got up at the crack of dawn to do his patrol. He lingered in his head until closer to noon, and once the ground had heated up a bit he finally rose to his paws and entered the chilly day. Shivering at the sudden cold air that wrapped around his pale fur, he squinted for a few moments before slowly making his way towards the borders. He decided that he would patrol the rapids first, making a beeline for the sound of rushing water. His paw steps weren't rushed by any means, his head high and alert as he kept his eyes on the horizon. The Primo did this daily, and it was so routine that he knew he was only half paying attention. His paws knew exactly where to step, easily avoiding the rocks and any other debris that may be blocking his path. His pure white ears lay still on the top of his head, his mind on other things as he stopped every now and then to mark the borders. It was hard to keep his head in the game as of late, not only grieving the loss of his friend but also on his kids that kept wandering away. He was starting to feel like it was him who was at fault, and he spent countless hours trying to figure out what he could do to make them come back. Of course he didn't want to force them here, but to just know that they were alive and well would be fine for him. The same went for his siblings, it was just him and Harmony now. There had been a time when he could hardly go five steps off of Abaven lands without running into another Destruction. But now? Where had they all gone? It was like as soon as his aunt and uncle lost their home they all vanished without a trace. The aging gentleman sighed, curving around a lone tree as he resumed his path. The whole not knowing thing was starting to get old, and fast. All he wanted were a few answers, and to know that they were all okay.
