
precious and fragile things



5 Years
12-08-2016, 05:33 AM

Her nose wrinkled as her ears took in all the sounds that surrounded her. The amphibians singing their garbled cries as well as other animals that hung around the grapevines. Once you took it all into account it was all rather deafening. She tried to tune it all out since none of it was what she wanted to hear. She was keeping her ears trained for Elias and for any signs of what mood he was in. If she'd interrupted one of his more deranged states of minds - well she didn't fear him, but she certainly knew better than to catch him off guard either. She was cautious, not stupid.

She needn't have worried though. Instantly he was on his feet and bounding to her and her face erupted in a toothy smile that portrayed her own happiness to see him. His galloping like and over sized child was heartening and her own mood lifted instantly. Now matter how far she had to travel to track him down, in the end she was always happy to do so. It was worth it to be able to brighten his day as well as her own and she'd missed him far more than words could ever express. She supposed it was a good thing she talked with body language.


Just saying her name by itself was enough to get her tail waving. She could be herself around him and all reservations about keeping her feelings under lock and key melted away. She leaned into his heartfelt nuzzle and returned one with a cold wet nose to his cheek. In the next moment he was embracing her and she leaned into his chiseled chest as she wrapped her own head around his neck in a tight embrace. She breathed in his familiar scent and a soft sigh visibly went through her chest as all her muscles relaxed.

And before she knew it he was stepping away again. The warmth was gone, but she knew they couldn't stand there all day. Crimson eyes sought his own as she searched them for what he was feeling, but his words did it all for her. Her eyes were forgiving - she had been rather restless herself, probably less than him, but all the same she wouldn't hold it against him. So long as they didn't make a habit of her having to travel across continents to find him she'd be happy. She rolled her eyes at the question if she'd eaten or not before flashing him a grin and shaking her head. Of course she hadn't eaten, not since yesterday at least, but at least she'd made the effort this time and hadn't gone a week without food. The trip down had been relatively calm and he'd only have to look at her to see that she was fine. No angry cougars or enraged bears had been involved whatsoever. She couldn't help but glance him over to see if he'd obtained any new scars, but after a quick inspection she didn't see anything either. Overall he seemed to be okay on the outside. She gave him a questioning look - how was he feeling?

[Image: mjVYSgq.png]