
The Arena


12-08-2016, 02:59 PM

Liviana waited for some time for someone to show up, feeling increasingly irritated. First the poor fights she had gotten at the battlefield and now no one was going to answer her call within her own pack? How was she supposed to practice or feel out the level of expertise within the pack if no one was going to fight her? A frown creased her lips and her brows pulled together while her tail lashed behind her. Well if this was how her efforts to try were going to be met then-

Her train of thought got cut off when she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. Her ears perked and she looked toward the wolf approaching her. But... wasn't this the healer that had spoken at the last meeting? Wasn't she blind? She watched as Storm settled herself on her haunches a fair distance away. Oh, a spectator of sorts then? Well Liviana surely wouldn't mind an audience, but you'd have to have a fight to have an audience. She waited for a minute or two more, looking around to watch for anyone else that might approach her. Well... When in Rome she guessed.

She sighed softly before she turned toward Storm to pad toward her. "Hey... Storm, wasn't it? I don't guess we've met yet. I'm Liviana. It doesn't look like anyone is going to come answer my challenge, but since you're here... Would you want me to give you a little fighting lesson? At least us being out here won't be a complete waste, eh?" She didn't know if Storm would have any interest in it or not, but she kind of hoped she did. At least if anything else when she went to Bass to see about a promotion she could say she had been giving lessons. Or at least a lesson.

"Talk" "You" Think