
At Least I Know I'm A Sinner


12-08-2016, 03:45 PM

(OOC: approving the 9 feet apart ;3)

Zola prepared for the impact, neck scrunching into her shoulders with mouth wide opened and lips snarled. Her claws retracted into the soil, ears pinned against her skull, eyes narrowed, and tail held out aligned with her spine for balance as she was ready for the hit. She bent her knees in an effort so that when the two collided, she could jump into his force.

As the man grew closer, Zola felt a little intimidated by his size compared to hers. She was slim and agile, but that definitely didn't make her any less able to fight. This made her stronger just as the man's size made him stronger as well.

Zola lowered her head with a tucked chin just as the two were head to head. His attack to hit her right shoulder with his own was successful, her body now pushing into his (causing bruising). Her front legs rose from the ground, her chest now depending on his own body to remain standing. He would snap at her shoulder and continue to achieve his goal. Teeth sunk in where her shoulder and ribs came together, thin skin letting blood trickle and flow from the puncture wounds.

As the two were basically hugging, with a low yelp, Zola would then crane her neck down and snap her jaws, aiming to latch on the back of his right foreleg her teeth looking to plant themselves on the sides of his leg from behind. Her left paw, at the same time, would look to wrap itself around to the back of his right leg, beneath his knee, and pull, trying to throw him off balance as well. She began to try and shake her right paw and wiggle it up so that she could scratch his chest but his weight was probably too much for her paw to slide up there.

The taste of blood was all she was looking for, not necessarily a win. Though that would make her ego so much brighter.

Walk "Talk"

Zola vs Kharnage for Spar

Height: 35 inches
Build: Light (I still have to change this)

Attacks: Bite to right foreleg from behind + left paw trying to bend his right knee to throw him off balance, Right paw scratching chest.

Defenses: 1. Neck scrunched  2. Mouth open 3. Lips snarled 4. Claw retracted into soil 5. Ears pinned against skull 6. Eyes narrowed 7. Tail aligned with spine for balance 8. Knees bent 9. Head lowered 10. Chin tucked

Injuries: Bruising to shoulder/chest, 4 puncture wounds (2 on ribs, 2 on shoulder) right side of body.