
A Break In This Storm



3 Years
12-08-2016, 04:29 PM
Chanel Valintine

Her form slipped through the chilling rain, her paws powering through the slush and the mud without complaint-her legs had gone numb a few miles back. She had been searching for a new pack, and for the past two days she had been staying in a makeshift den outside of a claimed territory. The lone female did not wish to enter the lands unannounced, and was too tired the day she found them to properly introduce herself. Then, she was ravished, and spent yesterday hunting in neighboring lands to replenish her strength.

Now the heavens pounded the earth with chilling rain, so much so the wondering woman could barely see the trees she passed. The porcelain lady stuck her nose close to a towering tree; the branches would block out some of the rain and leave behind scent to mark the border to the claimed lands. She took deep breaths along the wood, until she finally caught the scent of the pack. Chanel let out a long sigh, the air in her lungs creating a small white puff. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to find them in this storm. But she needed to join, or at least attempt to, today. She couldn't take it anymore.

The loner lifestyle was not suited for the young woman. She was a follower, who needed someone to guide her and give orders. All this freedom and unknown was unsettling her. She had been born into a pack, so she had never been alone, truly alone, for this long. Realizing that, her violet eyes flicked towards the heart of the territory. Soon she felt the rumble in her throat, and planted her legs firmly on the ground as she tilted her head back and released a long howl into the storm. Her voice was full of power; fueled by anger and confusion, laced with concern and desperation.

She needed to join this pack. Whatever it took.

.Family Doesn't End With Blood.