
A winter feast



6 Years

12-08-2016, 06:22 PM

She had just started to walk up the slope and outside of Vyper lands when she heard Xeph's howl. Groaning, she paused right in the center and peeked over the side to peer at him. He was standing there waiting, before long Memphis and Armai joined him as well. Tossing her head up, she closed her blue and brown eyes as she thought. He would have enough wolves, right? She was really hoping to get out today when she saw that the silver knight was kicking around, a chance to get some of her jitter bugs out. But Memphis was just a child, and Armai was blind. How much help was that really? Blowing out a sigh, she lowered her head to see a familiar form enter the group. Yona? She had joined Vyper? Jaelle knew that she had mentioned it when they met, but she hadn't been expecting the woman to show up. Knowing that she should be helping out anyways, the chance to speak to the pale woman again was what really made the final choice for her. Taking one last, longing look at the outside world she spun around and headed back down for the beach.

Picking her way though the snow, her bells announced her arrival as they usually did. Surprisingly she did know how to move without making a sound, but for the moment there was no need for it. She headed right for Yona, a smile on her black lips as she aimed to bump her shoulder lightly against her hip. "I thought you said packs weren't your thing," she said in a teasing voice, plopping down beside her with a wink of her blue eye. Steadily she looked at everyone else here, a more tender smile offered to Xeph and the child. She hadn't heard her words of wanting to stay, but she wondered if he would allow his daughter to join them. Next she looked at Armai, even though she knew that she couldn't see her. "Hey, how's the herbs and stuff? You know if you ever have an order I can look for it while I'm out and about," Jae offered, causally shrugging her shoulders. She was out there all the time, she might as well turn it into something useful for Vyper.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.