
On my mind


12-08-2016, 11:20 PM

Son..? Possibly a funny look came to the girl's face. He didn't look much older than her.. Was she really old enough to have her own children? Really, she was old enough to have more than one litter. But Zola was now realizing how time had flown by and she had forgotten just how long it had been since she left the ship. She would have probably remained a young teenage girl the rest of her life. But that was some life to live.

"Auster? Nah, I'd like to stay up in my frozen zone here." She chuckled slightly with a grin. "But your pack, it sounds nice. A paradise?" She signed just imagining the world with no worries and a place to come home to every night. A place you knew you were safe. Though, she would never be truly satisfied. Lian wouldn't be there to greet her and kiss her goodnight...

Coming back to meet his emerald eyes, she would blush yet again to his admiration. "Zola." she spoke softly, rolling through her breath. This wasn't the first time Zola had done this, felt this way and beyond. She had explored her own ways to get to where she was now. And of course she would feel guilty the rest of her life that her brother was never her first. But it was long done and over with now. How could any of this harm her at this point?

"Are you just going to stand there and look at me, mister Liar?"

Walk "Talk" Think