
By the next morning



7 Years
Extra large
12-08-2016, 11:44 PM

ooc: Me and shadowed discussed it and agreed I can PP Bright Moon's death due to this bear. What happens to the bear is up to the pack as it's an NPC though Quelt injured it pretty well.

Something was wrong, he felt that in his stomach. After he pulled himself from the den full of the three sleeping bodies of his children he sniffed the air. Where was bright moon? The male let his sore muscles stretch for a moment. The one eyed man making his way across the mangrove's territory with that horrid feeling in his stomach. The urge to find his love was great that was for certain. Except there seemed to be something wrong with her scent too, it was mixed with something eerily dangerous even for wolves to be messing with. From a distance he saw it then, his love wrestling with the massive brown beast. What was a bear doing out here during the winter? Had the summer been so harsh that it was forced out. It seemed to be in a rage though, as his muscles tigthened. He saw the bear strike into Bright Moon and her body go limp. His head fuzzed as the man let out a howl a warning to the pack that there was such a creature in these lands. If it found gentle night, Autumn star or blue moon it would be bad trouble let alone any of the members of the pack.

He started in a run, aiming his right shoulder to ram into the bear. His snarled pulling his teeth back as his hackles raised. For a moment head turning to Bright Moon. Someone anyone! Was Amalia around? Bright Moon's chest didn't seem to be moving, but he wanted to refuse to believe she was gone. It was clear the bear tore into her neck where the jugular was. He snapped back as the bear charged him, hitting him in the chest Quelt blindly snapped at the creature. Snagging the bears shoulder he noticed the blood from Bright Moon's marks. She was still here in essence, he was going to take this bear down.

Quelt tried to jump away as the bear swiped to his right, knocking Quelt with force as the large man tried to bite into the paw. The bear's jaws however crushed over the back of his neck. Throwing him off to the side, bleeding profusely from the wound. The bear wobbled from loss of blood. Quelt panted harshly, he was bleeding too much to get up anymore. As he tried he slipped on his paws. "I...I'm sorry bright moon." Quelt cried as his vision blurred. He could see his life flashing before his eyes. He didn't want to leave - if he died as well who would take care of his kids. "Please, I don't want to leave them alone." if he could just stay conscious a little while longer.

ooc: gonna keep him another post if anyone wants to hear his last words. He'll die in the next post idk when I will post him probably after a few more wolves appear.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]