
By the next morning



4 Years
12-09-2016, 12:03 AM

Winter sure was cold! It was only his second, but he was still surprised by how freezing it could get. He'd been sticking close to home lately to train up some more before spring rolled around. He was more than excited to earn a rank, but even then he was still unsure of what he wanted to pursue. For Heather it was easy - she wanted to be the princess. He knew it was a big goal for her to work towards, but she still had it all planned out. Him? He was still very indecisive.

He'd been stalking a porcupine - trying to get his technique perfected when the howl caught his attention. White ears went up on high alert as he listened to it. That sounded like Quelt! Whatever it was he sounded like it was in trouble. He let out a louder summoning howl to anyone in the area just in case. He wasn't sure how serious it was, but if he needed help for something, well Lionel wasn't entirely sure how useful he'd be. He would try anyways!

He took off as fast as he could towards Quelt and the sight that met him told him he was in way over his head. First there was Bright Moon's body, bloody and horribly lifeless and then Quelt, bleeding and dazed after the bear had gotten to him. He wasn't allowed the opportunity to focus on them for long. The bear was the thing that captured his attention the most. It was clearly wounded from his pack mates and a little wobbly, but still fighting all the same. He could see it advancing on Quelt. As much as he wanted to help them both out he couldn't just ignore the bear, could he?

Half of him wanted to flee from it. Rather than feeling like an adult he felt like a pup again. He couldn't take on a bear by himself. Look what it'd done to his pack mates? He couldn't just leave them at the mercy of the bear either. His internal conflict had lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity before he could continue charging forward. He snarled at it before barking to get its attention. He couldn't fathom why it'd come out in the middle of winter, but it needed to go!

It started to turn to face him, an earth shattering defiant roar erupting from it, but Lionel wouldn't back down. He ran towards it valiantly at an angle towards its left shoulder. He made an effort to avoid its front knowing full well he didn't want to be in range of striking distance with those massive claws. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and he felt like his heart was trying to explode from his chest. He aimed for its rib cage and he took the bear by surprise when teeth sunk deeply into the muscle right behind its leg. His hold didn't last for long before it tore away from him, clearly angrier than ever, and instinct forced him to side step away. Pain blossomed on his left flank as claws tore into his skin, but he didn't stop moving. He barked at it again, snapping his jaws at the bear as it made a move to bite him again, before he danced away out of reach of its teeth.

What the hell was he doing?

The bear lunged again to try and bite his back and Lionel swerved his hind end and then managed to land a bite on the right side of its face. His upper incisor pierced through the eyeball, but he didn't keep his hold for long before he back stepped again to avoid a swipe from its paw. Damn, he hoped someone else would get here. He wasn't sure he could keep this up forever. Eventually it'd land another hit!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]