
Anything But Beautiful



9 Years
Dragon Mod
12-09-2016, 03:09 AM

She was feeling a little better now that she had a mentor who was taking the time to teach her about what she'd been wanting to learn since she was a pup. Granted, she had tried on her own several times...but it was so hard when she had no clue what the plants around her did. What they could be used for. How to use them...trying to self teach had been a bust. But Storm was a great teacher so far, and she was extremely grateful to have the woman as a mentor.

Wandering through the thicket, she wanted to maybe find something to show her appreciation. But what? She was at a loss. She was never good at expressing herself to others, and she had never really interacted with many others unless it was at trainings or meetings. Even then, she always kept a distance if not hiding behind her uncle. Ah Kakashi...what would she do without him? Asides from some in the pack, he had been there for her. Supporting her. Trying to keep her from being so depressed. But how did she even begin to stop feeling that way? Her family straight up abandoned her. Quelt disappeared. Limno disappeared. And Qualm...he had disappeared and then came back, only to leave again. She still wasn't sure if she believed his story about the sounded way too absurd to her. But more than likely it was her distrust of them that made her think they were all in on some sort of lie. Keeping her in the dark. Torturing her day in and day out.

And she hated it.

The worst part was...she was stuck with their last name. And she wanted no part of them after all that they did to her. She wanted no reminders of them anymore. She just wanted to be free of their betrayal. The abandonment. The lingering thoughts and dreams she had about them. She couldn't bring herself to talk to her uncle about it...or anyone really. So she kept it inside. And she felt like soon, she would burst at the seams. As her thoughts consumed her, she seemed to just be wandering aimlessly around the thicket. Completely forgetting about the task she had originally set out to do. And with each minute that went by, she felt her heart and mind grow heavier and heavier...what could she do?



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