
By the next morning



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-09-2016, 06:11 PM

If it hadn't been heading across the mangroves to go see his mothers he probably wouldn't have come across the bear and the bloody scene around it. He heard snarling barks and growls, the sounds of fighting catching his attention. His ears perked with alarm. These very obviously weren't the sounds from a normal spar. A moment later he heard the bear's roar and his fur stood on end. Without a second thought he darted off toward the sound, pushing his heavy form as fast as it would go. When he got there he saw Lionel locked in a fight with the injured bear and Quelt on the ground with Bright Moon, neither of the older wolves looking very good.

He rushed forward before he could second guess his decision just as Lionel dodged another swipe of the bear's paw. He came at the bear from its left side with his hackles bristled and teeth bared in a snarl. Since he was nearly the height of the bear himself he hoped that he could frighten it off if he made himself look even bigger. A loud growl rumbled in his throat and he added in his own loud barks with Lionel's. He jumped forward with a snap at the bear's left shoulder, dodging to the side to avoid the bear's claws. With the two wolves driving him back the bear finally started to back off, the creature stumbling back a few paces before it finally turned to make its escape.

"I'm going to make sure it leaves the territory, go check on those two!" he quickly yelled to Lionel as he ran off after the bear, barking and snarling at the creature the whole way till it crossed out of Fiori's territory.

-exit with the bear-

"Talk" "You" Think