
But I Promised You That I Will See You Again...



7 Years

12-09-2016, 06:15 PM

Bass could tell that their time together was starting to end, his eyes slipping closed when he promised. Silently the male wept into his gray fur, his claws digging into the earth as he rested his head over Hansel's neck. He wouldn't leave him, not even for a moment. Not until this was over. He could hardly feel anything else under the blanket of grief that weighed down his heart, so much so that he hardly felt the man's cold tongue run across his muzzle. Blinking open his eyes in surprise, he watched the dying man carefully as he explained where he buried his family. It sounded like quite the journey, but he would do it for his old comrade. He would walk to the ends of the world if he had to, to see that he was with his family. It would be the same if it were the other way around, he knew that. Bass nodded his head, unable to say anything as he laid his head back down. He listened with a stabbing pain as his breaths slowed, his heart giving one final pump before it was all over. He didn't think that he could feel worse, but his chest contracted painfully as that last breath slipped out of Hansel's mouth. With the snow falling around them his body was quickly growing cold, and he knew that he would freeze out here. But he couldn't bring himself to move, as tears poured down his face like rivers. Bass' yellow eyes squeezed shut as sorrow coated him, his whole body aching. It felt like he had ran a marathon, his heart pounding hard against his ribs. But it was too late for him to do anything, far too late for him to save Hansel. It was done, his life had already drained away to nothing.

Bass hadn't been lying when he said that he wasn't ready. He didn't want to bury another friend, to feel the pain of another loss. A lot of wolves around him had just vanished without a word, his own mate and kids included in that list. He just couldn't... He didn't want to feel anything anymore, but it wasn't possible for the pale man and he knew that. Sobbing, he tipped his head back and let out a painful howl, his song mourning the loss of yet another friend. He sang with all the strength he could muster, his raw emotions clear in every note. Bass howled until he ran out of breath, his call ending abruptly. His head dropped back down on top of Hansel, his body curling around his tightly. He didn't want to leave, couldn't find it in himself to even get up. His coat was wet with snow, the flakes sticking into his fur in clumps. They were almost vanishing right into the ground, his brown markings painted white by the snow. The Primo's eyes closed, his eyes dry as he ran out of tears to cry. He was gone... never to come back this time.

ooc;; This is now open to the pack to come mourn Hansel/console Bass. Friends outside Abaven are welcome.

"Talk" "You" Think