
A Girl With A Bird She Found In The Snow [Finch]

Finch I


4 Years

12-09-2016, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2016, 11:49 AM by Evelyn.)
*Navigation - Dreamer's Col (plus bonus event points)

The distant rumble had been heard in the East, Finch had been out wandering with Civetta when the noise sounded. It was very faint, but it must have been big to reach her ears from there. Unable to push down her curiosity, the pale girl cautiously made her way towards the north. She knew she was close when the temperature dropped and the snow banks grew larger, making her step with her paws spread wide to avoid falling into the powder below. Civetta nuzzled into the wolf's ear, her feathers puffing up as she tried to keep herself warm. It had been quite some time since Finch had even been up this way, there hadn't really been a need for her to wander up here. The last time had been when Ivalice held the festival, actually. It all looked so different now though, layers of snow making it hard to recognize where she was. Finch would have asked her bird friend to scout ahead, but it was far too cold for the tiny thing. So she allowed her to stay warm by her ear, trekking along with care.

Soon the sight of a towering mountain came into view, causing the woman to look up at it with wide blue eyes. It looked a little more barren of snow then she would have thought, but could that have been the disturbance that she heard? Spurred on to find out more, she made a beeline for the mountain, seeing the paw steps of another wolf. Instead of risk breaking through, she followed the path left behind by the other, knowing that it would lead her right to the stranger. At the moment she didn't think of the dangers, her ears perked high as she grew closer to the looming mountain. The sound of a birds voice reached her, something that she could pick out with ease now that she had met Civetta and a few other bird companions. Even more curious, she trotted towards the wolf now that she had a path to follow. Soon enough the speckled-backed girl came into sight, slowing Finch down as she lost sight of the raven who had spoke. Civetta tucked herself away even more, not wanting to be seen by the larger bird. Not paying much mind to her friend, Finch let out a soft, gentle bark as she approached from downwind of the other female. She eyed the mountain if she did so, taking even more careful steps. If it had been an avalache, then the exposed snow was soft and powdery and could easily fall again. "Was that raven a friend of yours? Finch asked in ways of introduction, a soft smile on her lips.
