
By the next morning



7 Years
Extra large
12-09-2016, 08:50 PM

He could barely make sense of what went on around him. His remaining eye fuzzy as everything had gone on so fast. Quelt felt like such a fool, what would everyone think of him. He lay here dying, and his heart was torn. The world had taken his love away from him - and now it was trying to take him away from his children once more. Though, there was no escaping fate - the shallow breathing man managed to get words out. "...Leo." he wheezed softly. Hoping that the alpha would hear him, hell if anyone would.

"I....I'm sorry - I ... know I won't ma-ke it." Quelt shifted uncomfortably, the blood sticking to the back of his neck where the bear had torn himself open. "Please. Make sure mine and Bright Moon's children are safe. Let them know.... I really did try to protect them protect their mother. That I love them and that I am proud of them. That their mother would be proud of them too. To not fear, because Fiori is their family and their home." he didn't really realize it until now. The old man was starting to cry, he felt his body becoming cold and the world around him fading. This couldn't be it could it? Had he really done his turn on this world? "If... someone could. I know they might not care - but let abaven know that I am gone Bass should know.... my older children deserve to know at least if they are there. I'm sorry, so so sorry that I fucked up that I wasn't there for them." he let out a soft whine.

"Thank Amalia too for being so kind, and I really do appreciate every one in Fiori. To the deepest part of my heart." Quelt felt himself starting to fade more now. His breathing was becoming more scarce and he did think he'd said all that he needed. Sure he could whine and cry about he didn't want to go - but he knew.... he knew deep down he was going to die here. As such "I'm sorry, thank you." were the last words to leave his mouth. As all the life left him. His body stilled for the last time, and he was no longer there.

-exit Quelt through death-

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]