
By the next morning



4 Years
12-09-2016, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2016, 09:14 PM by Lionel.)

Lionel barely registered that another pack member had come along until the older male's barks joined in on his own. He could see the bear's hesitation then - it was wounded and bleeding heavily. He was more than relieved when it finally decided that two younger wolves were too much for it to handle and began to run. He paused as Tib told him to go check on Bright Moon and he nodded in faint response. He'd had enough with dealing with the creatures for one day. He was more worried about his other two pack mates, but he was scared at what he would see.

Leo arrived as well, but he didn't pay his father much attention as he padded over to Quelt first. Bright Moon's body still scared him and he was afraid to see if she was dead or not. Quelt was very obviously alive - his wheezing breath caught his attention as he called for his dad. He rushed forward then and stopped to inspect him. The wound on the back of his neck was horrible - why had this happened? He didn't know Quelt very well, but Bright Moon had obviously loved him and Bright was one of the nicest wolves he'd ever known. Ears pinned back against his head as he tried to figure out a way to fix it. He needed to stop the bleeding!

He was just getting ready to go find something to pack against his wounds when Quelt's voice stopped him. What? No he had to make it! He and Bright Moon both, they had kids. He listened in silent shock as Quelt talked about making sure his children were safe. No. No. No. He needed to do that! And then someone going to Abaven to tell some Bass guy. Tears began to spring from his eyes and he tried to shove them away. And then thank Amalia too? Amalia! She could fix this. She was the best healer ever. Quelt just needed to hang on for a little while longer!

And then Quelt's body stilled.

He finally seemed to be able to remember how to move his limbs. His eyes went wide and he placed a paw over the bloody mess of his neck to try and get the bleeding to stop. He wasn't gone! He couldn't be. He tried to add pressure to the wound before nudging Quelt's head with his nose. He didn't try to stop the tears anymore either.

"Hey, you can't be gone! Wake up" He then looked to his father, willing him silently to be able to fix this. "Dad, do something. Call Amalia. She can make him better, right? He just needs some herbs..." A part of him knew there was nothing Leo or Amalia could do, but he didn't want to think about it. It'd been different when their mother left. That was something he could accept as reality. He hadn't actually seen her die or watched her walk away. She was gone so that made it hurt less, but this was a new kind of pain. Even though he'd seen it with his own eyes, he'd even tried to help, it still wasn't enough. This wasn't something he wanted to accept.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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