
By the next morning

Gentle Night


12-09-2016, 09:16 PM

Night had stirred when they heard their father coming from the den. Night had been sleeping peacefully and for their father to interrupt that sleep how dare he! Before they could get up though, their dad was gone leaving Night to raise their head and frown. Well no matter, putting their tracking skills to the test they would be able to find their dad in no time. Night rose to their paws and started by sniffing around the ground. Following the scent their father left as the pup's paws stumbled against the muddy ground from the rains that had come. It was a particularly cool morning today and Night was glad to have found their father's scent. A smile crossing their face as they started to bound towards the smell. It was... mixed with something else though. Night suddenly stopped, noticing that other wolves of Fiori had gathered here. Leo the alpha and a few others, Night could see their mother's body first. Not moving.... what was happening why did everyone looked so distressed?

"What's going on? Why isn't mom or dad moving?" Night furrowed their brows for a moment and took a few shaky steps forward. That was a lot of blood, all over their dad. The scent hit their nose and they almost lost their breakfast. Lurching and holding back whatever wanted to come up. As Night looked away bewildered they stared at the ground. "w...what's going on? Is.... is dad and mom alright? Please someone tell me." Distressed Night turned back around with their heart pounding against their chest. Where was Autumn star and Blue Moon. Did they know about this? Should they even. Night wanted to step forward more but they were stuck in their place. Breathing heavily with their eyes wide. They weren't dead, they couldn't be dead! Night wasn't even two seasons old yet! What the hell. They didn't understand either, Night looked to the other adult wolves. Who would take care of Night and their siblings now?