
Show Me How To Be Whole Again


12-09-2016, 09:32 PM

A cool breeze flew by the river's edge, swinging to the ocean. Ice had started to form at the curves and mud so that no one would dare to enter. Lyre just happened to be finding her way to the freezing rapids on her journeys around the pack. She sat down beside the river flow, silver eyes gazing into it's movement. It was gentle, running over top of stones and ice and disappearing far down beyond she could see. And it was peaceful, it reminded her of her home and her family.

She missed them so, she missed Mithras. She had been rather distracted before he went off doing lord knows what. And though Lyre believed that whatever he was doing was important and of purpose, she just couldn't help but miss him and think of him everyday. Irie had teased her into making themselves more than friends. Even though she denied it, deep down inside she knew the feeling were there, she just couldn't admit. She was home sick, though not in the way of a den; it involved her family.

Staring deep into the river, she had failed to notice a tear or two falling from her eyes, mind lost in thought and memories.

Walk "Talk"