
By the next morning



7 Years
12-09-2016, 09:44 PM

The scent of blood was far too powerful for Amalia to ignore.

She had been stuffing herbs into a leaf until she thought it would burst, panic constricting her chest as she gathered it up in her mouth and took off. She would have been there sooner if she didn't hear the roar of the bear, stopping in her tracks. Real fear settled in, her mind flashing back to what happened with Roman. She hadn't been able to save her, her wounds had been too grave. And now, would she be able to redeem herself? From how far the stench of blood spread she didn't think she could, standing frozen in place. This wasn't the first time she had seen a bear mauling, and she didn't doubt that it would be the last. Steeling herself for what she knew was to come, Amalia hurried to the scene.

Even though she had tried to prepare herself for this, it wasn't enough for what she saw before her. Two of her friends lay dead, she was able to see that from where she was. Both Quelt and Bright Moon were broken beyond repair, once again she had been too late. Amalia's lips quivered as she looked around with wide blue eyes, seeing Leo first and then the kids. Oh gods the kids. Lionel was talking to Leo, saying that he needed to call for her. She had slipped in so quietly that he hadn't noticed her. It wasn't until Gentle Night spoke up that she snapped out of her daze, her heart breaking and shattering on ground below her. Swallowing hard against the tears in her eyes, she knew that she had to make a show for them. She had to show them that she tried, even though there was nothing left for her to save. Picking up her herbs, she went to Quelt first. Without saying anything she rested her head on his sides, as if listening for a heartbeat. The tiny healer was met with only silence, something that sounded oh so wrong. Sucking in a shaky breath, she stood and made her way to Bright Moon. Seeing the woman laying there in a pool of her own blood was too much, and Amalia wept in silence. Burying her head into her once gray fur, she didn't even notice that she was beginning to gather up their blood on her white coat. She could still smell Bright passed the scent of blood, drawing it in for one last time. She didn't pull back until she was able to still her cries, even though she hadn't made a sound just yet. Her limbs felt weak as she pulled herself up, her chest dotted in crimson. Slowly she made her way towards Gentle Night, the silence that had spread was too sickening for her now. "I... I'm sorry child. There is nothing I can do for them now," she whispered, utter defeat in her tone. Dipping her head she aimed to plant a kiss on the girls cheek, a tender smile on her lips. It wasn't quite the true Amalia, but she was trying. "Would you like to come back to my den and spend the night with the girls and Athena? I'm sure they would love your company. Bring your siblings too, okay? You can stay with us for as long as you like." She couldn't stay here though, not for what Amalia had to do.

Pushing her own feelings aside, the usually peppy wolf's face was stone cold as she turned to Lionel. "Take Gentle Night out of here. Give her something to drink and some lavender to help her sleep. Remember the purple plant I showed you? Crush it between your paws and rub it under her nose. Say with her until I return," It wasn't like Amalia to bark orders, but this was no place for emotions. Even though she was broken up inside, this was part of her job as a healer, the part that no one spoke of. Turning to Leo, her stoic look faltered for only a moment, padding over to her brother. "Go look after their kids, they need a strong leader right now. Lead them to my den, and sit at the mouth of it until I get back. Don't let them out no matter what." Licking his forehead, she made her way towards where she had detected her sons scent. So he had been the one to chase off the bear? It was odd that it was awake at this time of year, but perhaps it hadn't gotten enough fat stored away to last the whole season. Barking for Tib, she waited with her back turned to the crowd. It would be up to them to bury the two, as Amalia was not strong enough to lift them by herself. Her limbs quivered as her tiny rabbit tail tucked into her rump. She wasn't going to cry, not anymore... not until this was done. Taking a deep breath, she dared a look behind her to see what it was that everyone else was doing. She wouldn't do anything with the kids there, and she didn't want anyone else coming.

"Burn Baby Burn"