


12-09-2016, 11:51 PM
#1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Selfish, heartless.

Her head spun like the whirling winds of hurricane. As she reentered Auster, she felt her heart sink down into her stomach. The sound of her tired, blistered paws clicking against the earth seemed to grow so much louder. Her own breathes; slow and scared, filled her little black ears like nothing else ever had. Remorse clouded her entire being and she stopped dead in her tracks, her head slowly lowering until it hung limp at her chest. This was her home.. her children were among this place. But they probably hated her for leaving both them and their father. The memory of Finch, breaking down into tears and screaming at her, echoed like a sound in her mind. It had been so long since then.. but it felt like just yesterday she had been face to face with her children.

And Bass.

The mere thought of Bass made her heart lurch. She doubled forward, her knees trembling and her bloodshot gaze disappearing behind her eyelids. On her journey back to her home, she had cried so much. To cry anymore seemed almost impossible. All the fluid had been drained from her, except her cold, dark blood. With a hard swallow and a heavy grunt of effort she lifted onto all four of her paws and continued toward the first place she wanted to see in all of Auster.

When she arrived, she collapsed. The air smelt frosty with snow and life. Sunset Falls now seemed to belong to another pack; not that it ever belonged to Abaven. If it did, she completely forgot or missed when it did, but she remembered her old pack.. Ludicael, she recalled, owned it at one point. She was among its borders when she met her husband. The aged woman let her head fall into the snow, the biting cold spreading from her cheeks to her ears. But she was too exhausted; no, too hopeless, to lift her head. She just sat there, her body growing cold, her eyes squeezed shut. Why did she even come home?

Wren let out a prolonged whimper. Her ears fell back against her head. Her tail, short and limp, curled up around her flank to preserve the little warmth she possessed. Snow fell around her, the world quiet but her thoughts screaming and yelling. Despite this she remained still in the icy snow, her breath appearing as a plume of white from her frosty black nose.

What's the point?

"Burn Baby Burn"