
I'll be fine if you ever ask me


12-10-2016, 12:26 AM
#2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Weeping Woods.. what a ridiculously fitting name. Despite the slight humor in her thoughts she refused to let a smile creep onto her lips. Instead, she entered the dark forest of small trees, her blistered paws carrying her deeper and deeper until she caught the scent of another in her presence. The small woman inhaled deeply. She flicked her ears back and lowered her head, quietly trotting over to an entanglement of trees with limbs that held each other like they'd perish if not. Behind them, she peeked out and saw a larger male. He appeared young, with blazing red fur and a white underbelly. And when he turned, she spotted the almost perfect spot of white around his dual-toned eyes.

He seemed.. familiar. With a soft sigh, she moved out of hiding, her once confident and lively disposition gone completely. Instead she stood with her head down, her ears flopped back lazily and her tail hanging limp between her hind legs. She craned her neck to get a better look at him, her minty green gaze observing his handsome figure. She couldn't understand why he seemed familiar but.. there was something there she couldn't quite pick out.. "Looking for something?" She asked softly, her voice gentle and kind. She hoped she wouldn't startle him; she had tried to be as quiet and submissive as possible. That kind of behavior was incredibly unlike her but why act like something she wasn't?

"Burn Baby Burn"