
Give Me A Reason [Birthing]



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
12-10-2016, 02:30 AM

It was a little weird. Cramped most definitely. She felt like she was being smothered, fighting against those around her just to have a bit of extra leg room! But the more she struggled, the worse she felt. She was curled tightly in on herself, everyone around her pushing and poking and prodding and squirming. She was feeling restless, not that she knew what that really was, but she couldn't stop squirming as she tried to find a comfortable position. Alas, she was simply growing more frustrated! Everyone around her was moving too, making her efforts fruitless. It was starting to get really uncomfortable. She felt everything pressing in on her, the walls of her home almost suffocating along with the other bodies around her. Were she actually able to breath right now, she would probably choke. But after a few moments, she felt her body shift and she suddenly felt like there was more room then before. What was going on?

The walls pressed against her, and in silence she would protest. She just wanted to sleep! Was that so hard to ask for? Like a big earthquake, her tiny little world would shake. Before she knew it, she felt pressure against her little body. She was falling! Or...was she? She had no clue. All she knew, was that one moment she was in a stuffed up cave or something with her siblings, next thing she knew her world suddenly got cold! She opened her mouth in protest, high pitched squeals ringing in the air as she was met with something...warm. It swiped across her body, and next thing she knew she was pressed against something...warm and soft. Almost immediately, she crawled closer and sought out one thing. She felt hungry. Ravenous. And the instincts that took over almost every other animal on earth took hold of her as she sought out her mothers milk. She would flail and groan as she pushed her way through the crowd to reach the perfect spot. And when she finally found it, she settled down. She would drink until she was plump and full before quietly slipping back into sleep.

Walk, "Talk" Think
