
I'll be fine if you ever ask me


12-10-2016, 08:53 AM
#4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
She could see it in his bi-colored eyes; the desperation, the fear. When he turned to look at her the agony in his gaze was absolutely undeniable. Wren felt her heart sink when he spoke, the words that left his lips sounding dreadfully familiar to her little ears. She tried not to let them hit her where it hurts however. Instead she took a deep breath in, her head slowly lifting so she could see him better. Unfortunately, she hadn't seen this large black and green woman. She would have remembered such abnormal colors.. Wren frowned and shook her head slowly. "I'm afraid I haven't," She breathed.

She looked around, like the wife of this poor man would appear from the trees if she looked hard enough, but to no avail. Wren lowered her head, daring to look back at the young male, her expression still sad and drained of life. She swallowed back a comment on her own "lost" family but she thought better of it. This wasn't about her. "I'm sorry, love. Is there anything I can do for you?" She slowly fell back onto her haunches and studied his expression. She'd be more than willing to assist him.. she couldn't go back to her own family, after all. So what else did she have to do?

"Burn Baby Burn"