
Give Me A Reason [Birthing]



5 Years
12-11-2016, 02:01 AM
Whatever , Whatever , I do what I want !!

Restriction, how she hated the feeling already. Every week that passed saw more and more of her space taken up by the pressing bodies of others. She could not see them in their dark, liquid prison, but she could feel them. The more they pressed on her, the more uncomfortable she became. It was not anger that took over the small girl, but a mild irritation did occur. Kicking out, she shows her fighting blood before she is even born, catching a sibling - or so she hoped. Before long, it was nearly too much to bear. There was immense pressure on her siblings and her own tiny body, so much that the pup believed she would be crushed. Pushing against another pup with all of her paws, she is utterly shocked when her sibling actually backs off. No, not backs away, disappears entirely! It was a very first, and just as she felt the thrill of victory, there was a pang of loss that tore through her little being. But, she had no time to think as she is swept into the same channel that took the other pup.

Head-first she was forced into the narrow path to life, the entire time she was squeezed and pushed so hard that she thought once again that she would be crushed. Somehow, her minuscule frame managed to survive the process, and she was suddenly free but freezing! thrashing against the last of her restraints, the young girl cries out and clears new lungs of the amniotic fluids that she had once needed for breathing. Tiny growls emanated from her as something warm and rough plodded down her body from nose to tail tip. The warmth she didn't mind, it was the teeth and rough tongue that invaded her space that she wasn't so sure about. With all her might she stands up against the rough-tongued behemoth and gives a clumsy lunge, toothless mouth open as she makes a blind attempt to tell the giant being to cease what she is doing. Her stand is met with a shove toward something that smells utterly delicious and inviting. Her tiny, liver colored nose is hooked on the scent and her small, cream socked paws are in motion to hurry towards the source.

Driven by pure instinct, Jaidah latches on tightly to her mother and settles into place beside her sister. Others come and try to take her place at the fullest teat, but even for a pup so small, she stayed her ground and kept what she had claimed as hers. Soon, she was pressed again as she neared fullness, and the warmth grew to be too much for her to fight. Lulled to sleep by the comforting pressure of her siblings, the newborn dreams of all her life could bring her. She hopes to do her blood proud, and bring pride to her parents. Growing up couldn't happen fast enough for this little fireball!

female - 0 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Jaidah's profile!