
Our whole world



9 Years
Athena I
12-12-2016, 10:33 AM

Kalliope was glad her pregnancy was nearing the end. She had put herself on bed rest for most of it simply because she was too terrified of something going wrong to do anything else. No matter how many assurances she got from her mate that everything was going to be fine, she still worried. Between the worries around the birthing and her concerns that they might inherit her blindness her mind was always full of concerns. Castiel was more than she could have asked for. His excitement and support was more than enough to remind her that at the end of the day they were going to be parents and that was something to be excited about. She had never pictured herself as a mother, but being with Castiel made her want this.

She was resting in their den with her head on her paws when the first contraction caught her off guard. She knew it was going to be any day now, but it was still surprising in a way. She edged toward the entrance of the den and let out a howl for Castiel. He was sure to be near by, or at least she hoped he was. Her heart was pounding as she made herself settle onto her side near the back of the den, feeling the contractions getting stronger by the second. She knew the motions, knew what was supposed to happen, but experiencing it was totally different. Kalli gritted her teeth against the pain as another contraction gripped her.

Once Castiel was there she could relax just a bit. His scent calmed her down enough that the panic went away, leaving just a normal bit of nerves. "Will you help me make sure they get cleaned off well? I don't want to miss something because I can't see them," she asked him softly. Perhaps between the two of them they could bring these pups into the world. Kalliope rested her head down as another contraction pulled at her, each one stronger than the last.

She tried to take her own advice that she had told Faite and just let her body tell her what to do. Luckily her instincts kicked in when it was time to push out the first pup. At least that advice had been sound. The first pup came fairly easily and she was relieved as she lifted her head to clean him, finding the little pup with her nose and gently licking over him. Once their first son was settled at her stomach she let her head lay back on the den floor while she panted and the contractions picked back up in full force. It didn't leave her much time to celebrate the little life beside her, but there would be plenty of time for that later.

The second pup didn't give her such an easy time. She pushed and pushed, but she still had no pup to show for it. The pain kept building though and between that and the effort going into her contractions and pushing her head started to feel dizzy. She whined softly and her ears flicked back against her head, making her shove that worried panic back down. She had come too far to panic now. Finally, after what felt like ages, the pup slipped free and she sighed with relief. When she tiredly pulled herself pup to clean him, she realized why he had been such a struggle to push out. From what she could feel with her nose and tongue he was huge! She chuckled breathlessly and gently nudged the pup to her stomach as well.

All she could hope now was that she was close to being finished and that the last pups wouldn't be as big as their brother. Her hopes were answered at least as the last pup came into the word. The small pup came with no problems whatsoever and Kalli was greatful as she turned to clean her up. So they did have a little girl! She was excited about that. While she was cleaning the smallest pup she noticed something that made her ears fall back against her head again. She had to have been wrong, right? How could a pup just be missing a leg? Her protective nature went into hyper drive as she pulled the little pup in to her stomach next to her brothers. At least she would have two brothers to look after her.

"I want to name her Etain... After the woman that adopted me. She needs some of my adoptive mother's strength..." her tired voice trailed off as she nuzzled her daughter gently before bringing her muzzle over to nuzzle her sons as well. "Will you help me name our sons?"

"Talk" "You" Think