
To the lady in power



2 Years
12-12-2016, 04:02 PM
Miss Haven Petrova

Winter was here, that was one thing Miss Haven could be sure of. The grey lady trudged through the snow, irritated by the bitterness and harshness of the weather. But this was nothing new to her. She had climbed mountains before, with the threat of being murdered behind her and the threat of being killed from nature before her. This would be no different. Why? She had heard a whisper in the wind that there was a pack up in these parts, run by a woman of all things.

The air swirled around her, dancing snowflakes picked up off the ground and twirled for the young woman as she made her way. entertaining her until she found what she was searching for. It was by a large rock she caught the first whiff, a pack scent laying thick across the terrain. Okay, well, this is it. The moment of truth; was Miss Haven still worthy enough to belong to a pack, a family that would be just as loyal to her as she was to them. To be one unit rather than a pathetic loner with no reason to live but every reason to survive.

Her blood red eyes closed softly, as she took a single step forward, and tilted her head backwards. A lone howl would race past her lips, vibrating her vocal cords as she pushed to make her voice heard. After she unleashed her call to whomever claimed these lands, the woman sat and listened. She waited to hear any signs of someone coming, but for the time being all she could hear was the mountain's breeze that swept over the peaks and howled within the caverns along the side of the mountains.

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